When I was 4 I was a dinosaur. At other times an American Indian
I wouldn't even call this insensitive.
“in one tweet mr miller wrote: "i was assigned mammal at birth, but my orientation is fish.
" this tweet was among several others which were reported to humberside police as being allegedly transphobic.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-51501202.
any minority group who bring such cases because they have been "offended" by a comment or a joke about their precious "alternate" lifestyle, should take a few steps back and admit what they are really demanding - a total ban on everyone's freedom of speech, except their's!
When I was 4 I was a dinosaur. At other times an American Indian
I wouldn't even call this insensitive.
we know all the dissolved congregations in minneapolis/st.
paul now:.
1. lake of the isles .
Please let it come here. I cant say where here is, but you can understsnd how it would be to be to drive 45 minutes and lose contact with my one actual friend because she lives on a different side of a dividing line
i'm being a smartarse with that title.
its a play on an old saying in ozland (australia) which was, "when the usa sneezes, australia gets pneumonia" which was meant to describe the economic clout of the usa on the economic life of australia.. but first, a (hopefully) quick personal story.
two weeks ago, i went with some chinese friends to a house auction in hurstville (a suburb in sydney, which is now a popular suburb for cantonese speaking chinese).
The world will get pneumonia. So many goods contain chinese parts a disruption will hurt. If you go to the hardware for a pack of screws theh ate likely chinese made. We cant make them because the machinery was sent to China.
I watched a show about the black death. It was a great economic boost to working people IF they lived; wages went up because the labor pool went down
A murdered person has it made. Resurrection
A pot smoker will die at armageddon
See how loving a provision it is?
there are many good universities in the central part of the us but why do so many innovative things, i.e.
silicon valley, seem to happen on one side of the country or the other (california, new york, massachusetts to name a few)?
even what is considered the most high tech area in the center of the country, austin texas, is a huge liberal bastion.
The median price of homes us why there is a homeless problem. Disregarding the drug and alcohol and mental illness.
Nothing like going to a crowded beach driving through traffic. We in flyover country have our mountains, lakes, prairie and gems in unlikely places. We do not want pseudo intellectuals around anyway.
Given a time machine, put a modern man and an indigenous native in the same environment from 1850 ten see who has a better IQ.
The elder publisher privilege goes out the door when the information is shared with outsiders. Like a lawyer defending a criminal telling everyone what they know. At one time dub lawyers had to avoid criminal cases lest they became blood guilty. Same for these elders.
bit of background: a couple of years ago i was reproved after i slept with a brother that i was in love with but we were not married.
in fairness, the elders were kind and supportive.
the problem is, i had always been the model witness before that.
Clothing can restrict breathing depending on how tight it is. Access for a defibrillator ,ekg , minimum moving limbs as they dont know if there are other injuries.
The hoops to jump through for marriage are ridiculous at times. I can at least ve glad my wife and I just eased into a relationship.
Remember a final solution to a temporary problem doesnt work.
i just got back from field service.
i haven’t been out in a few months so now we don’t keep any written records and we don’t know which houses are do not calls.
i also noticed i was the only one with a book bag.
I am pretty good at rounding up myself. One hour of actually ringing a doorbell to see if anyone is home ( rarely) fills from 7:30 to noon of time spent.
"when someone is disfellowshipped from the religion, normal family relations continue, with the exception of spiritual fellowship.”a watchtower lawyer clears up this common misunderstanding:.
https://jwvictims.org/2017/11/19/watchtower-lawyer-lies-outright-in-court-about-disfellowshipping-and-shunning/ .
Play the clips from the convention where the phone is not answered and the like
a jobo i know has cancer.
her son goes and cleans her house and generally cares for her.
so does another non-jobo relative.. the congregation, interestingly, has shown very little support apart from the odd one rabbiting on about 'bible promises this and that'.. so, the co visited and said, 'but your son is an apostate(tm).
Family business. PERIOD
i was just told that my end of life directive should list an elder I hardly know over pimo and df children.
As for the congregation arranging help; even the well meaning are not competent always. Some talk endlessly, want to read or watch videos for encouragement, try home remedies, and have no idea how vulnerable to injury frail people are. Things like helping them up by pulling on an arm.